We help B2B service-based companies scale through paid ads

Viraffic helps small to medium B2B businesses who are frustrated with trying to gain inbound clients.

We improve your brand recognition amongst your ideal target audience, bolster your online presence, and acquire clients predictably.

What We offer

Paid Advertising For Service-based Companies

Our approach is simple:

We first study your audience to deeply understand their interests, behaviors, motivators and emotional drivers.
Based on this data we work on your messaging by coming up with the best angles and hooks to use on your advertising campaigns.

We then find the best interests and keywords to target on Linkedin and Google in order to reach your exact target audience.

Once that’s done, we launch your advertising campaign with said assets and deploy our proprietary campaign strategy to ensure you get the best result out of every dollar that you invest.
We do one thing – we just do it with a monastic focus and better than anyone else.

The Viraffic Difference

14 Days

Average implementation time to launch your first ad


Saved in overhead per month compared to hiring a marketing team in-house.


Hight ticket Leads generated for our clients

Our Philosophy

At Hausmere, we’ve worked with the best in the industry to produce millions of dollars in return on ad spend. We do away with the the inefficiencies & formalities that plague most agencies.

After working with Service-based companies for the past 8 years, Arturo has analyzed countless ineffective sales and marketing strategies. He’s attracted the best Marketing talent in the industry to bring our creative solutions to life for our clients.

With that, we only look for a specific type of client. Someone who refuses to let obstacles get in the way of completing the mission. Maybe that’s you: it would be our honour to find out


After Placing over 200 Virtual Assistants, here is what some of our clients had to say.


On the next page, fill out the application questions to have your business reviewed by our team to see if there is a potential fit.
If you are accepted for a call… by the end, you will have a clear understanding of the next steps you can take for your business to start generating consistent and reliable results online with Paid Advertising.

This Call Is perfect for:

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